Tuesday, June 30, 2009

To all Grade six pupils,

Praised be Jesus and Mary!
While having a short vacation at home,I want you to answer this activity.
This activity will trigger your awareness about A H1N1 virus. Here are my challenges to you dear Marians:
>How will you make your family healthy?
> How will you help your community clean?
> In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and
free again with this kind of virus?

Use short bond paper for your reflection/reaction out this questions or simple post your fabulous answer in our blogsite.

Goodluck and may Godbless you always....
See you on Monday Marians! Miss you!!!

Miss Claire


  1. 1. I will keep my family healthy by asking them to eat healthy food w/ me instead of foods full of fat to keep our body strong!
    2. I will clean the front of our house.
    3.By, encouraging everyone to always clean there hands before and after you eat, after you go to the bathroom and when you get home if you went somewhere else.

    Pamela Joyce M. Espigol
    VI- Blessed Virgin Mary

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  3. >How will you make your family healthy?
    I will make my family healthy in ways of avoiding junk foods, softdrinks and other artificial foods like vegmeat. Also i will make them healthy in drinking vitamins, eating nutritious foods like vegetables, fruits and eating meat but not too much.

    > How will you help your community clean?
    I will help my community clean in ways of joining the projects of our community regarding to the topic making the community clean. I will also tell to my friends, relatives or even neighbors to use the proper trash rules. And i will not throw any trash anywhere because if we dont litter at any place, maybe it can help also reduce the virus and help prevent the global warming.

    > In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and free again with this kind of virus?
    In my way, i will support the nation in making our place safe and free again from the virus in encouraging people to have proper hygiene, always bring handy hand sanitizers/alcohols if there is emergency, do not go beside sick people because it is also a cause of the virus, and lastly pray to God because praying is the key to comfort the sick...



  4. G-25

    -How will you make your family healthy?
    I will keep our family clean by cleaning their hands,proper hygiene,and eating healthy foods.

    -How will you help your community clean?
    I will join to the programs that can help to clean and protect our community and cleaning your house.

    -In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and
    free again with this kind of virus?

    By encuraging all he citizens to be hygienic all the time and eat proper kinds of fruits and vegetables

    Jan Aundrey R. Uyseco
    6-Mary the Blessed Virgin

  5. hi ms. camino lizelle po it2 from guide of the way po! ms. yung assignment po ba d po ilalagay sa sa scrapbook? ms. kilala nyo po ba philipp?♥♥♥

  6. >How will you make your family healthy?
    --I will make my family healthy in many ways. One of them is by having nutritious food everyday. Being clean physically is also one of the ways to keep me and my family healthy. Also, I will make my family healthy by taking my vitamins daily and I will tell my parents to exercise regularly. Also, a complete sleep will make us healthy. Finally, a happy family is a healthy family.

    > How will you help your community clean?
    --The cleanliness of my community should start at my own house. I will segregate the garbage properly and dispose them in the designated dump site. I will also keep my surroundings clean and green.

    > In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and
    free again with this kind of virus?
    --As a kid, I can support our nation to be safe by praying for the people infected with this kind of virus. I will support the advocacy of the government. Also, I will be an example or role model in keeping my community safe and clean.

    Kharis Agape N. Faune
    G6- Mary the Blessed Virgin -G12-

  7. How will you make your family healthy? -
    I can make our family healthy is that we should always have a high stamina and eat vegetables that has a lot of vitamins.

    How will you help your community clean?-I can help my community by joining the programs for the cleanliness of our community.

    In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and free again with this kind of virus?- I can just help our nation by being a great inspiration to people to become healthy and eat vegetable.

    Deina Mickel M. Angeles
    Grade6 Mary,mystical rose g-3

  8. miss tuloy pa ba recollection

  9. <♥♥>how will you make your family healthy?
    I can make my family healthy by persuading them to wash their hands before and after eating, always use alcohol/hand sanitizers. By being a role model to my brother’s and sister’s.
    <♥♥> how will you help your community clean?
    I can help my community to be clean by collaborating with my fellow neighbors to clean our community. By joining programs in our community. By being a role model to my neighbors.
    <♥♥> in your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and
    Free again with this kind of virus?
    I can support our nation by offering prayers. By throwing garbage in the right place. Also by promoting to use alcohols, hand sanitizers. By also being a role model to everyone.

    Antonette Nicole Arcega
    Mary,the Blessed Virgin

  10. How will you make your family healty?
    I can make my family healty by saying to them to eat fruits and vegtables and to say them that they will wash their hand and to use hand sanitizer or alcohol.

    How will you make your community clean?
    I can make my community clean by everyday I will clen our front yard and also join the community's program for cleaning.

    In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and free again from that virus?
    I can support by being a good model for others to prevent that virus and to also by offering prayers so that the virus will not spread anymore to our country.

    Jhovenay U. Calixto
    6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

  11. 1.I will make my family healthy by making sure we drink enough vitamins.
    2.I will make my community clean by sweeping the front dorrs of the neighboring houses.
    3.I can make sure the enviroment around us is clean and I will suggest a program to drink vitamins lately

    Eibai Dianne A. Tingting
    Mary The Blesses Virgin

  12. Good Morning Ms. Camino!
    Praised be Jesus and Mary!

    1) I can keep my family healthy by telling my mother to cook many nutritious foods and eating 1 or more fruits everyday.
    2) I can help the community clean by cleaning our own house and not throwing trashes anywhere.
    3) In my own little way, I can support our nation in making our place safe and
    free again with this kind of virus by observing proper hygiene, eating many nutritious food, drinking enough vitamins, and keeping the environment clean.

    Patricia Anne T. Recato
    VI - Blessed Virgin

  13. Q:
    > How will you make your family healthy?
    I will make my family healthy by encouraging my family to eat more vegetebles and fruits and other foods that will make you healthy. i will be a model by eating it myself to influence my family.

    >how will you help your comunity clean?
    I will help clean our community to clean every week. I will not throw my trash in the wrong places.

    > In your own little way, how will you support your our nation in making our place safe and clean again with this kind of virus?
    I will help to clean the places that is not so clean. I wil contribute to the programs of the government. o will encourage other people in using hand sanitizer and alcohol and to wash hands properly.

  14. miss ung sa taas ^
    Janina Marie B. Supelana
    IV-Mary the Blessed Virgin

  15. Good evening Ms.Camino
    Praised be Jesus and Mary,

    1. I will help make my family healthy by telling them to eat nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables. Drinking milk and 8 glasses of water a day can do.
    2. I will make my community clean by show them the proper way of segregating trashes. I will also join the programs of the government.
    3. I will encourage friends and neighbors to maintain their personal cleanliness as well as that of their surroundings.

    Rochelle Marie G. Padiz
    VI-Mary, the Blessed Virgin

  16. How will you make your family healthy ?

    I can make my family healthy by obeying my parents and practicing proper hygiene and be a good example by taking proper vitamins, avoiding foods that is not good for the health and do some physical exercises.

    How will you help your community clean?

    I can help my community clean by disposing my trash properly and supporting some community projects that will help improved cleanliness.

    In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and free again with this kind of virus?

    In my own little way, I will support our nation in making our place safe and free again with this kind of virus, by simply obeying my parents on how to take good care of my health and also by following some government advisory on how to prevent and avoid this kind of virus.

    Ira Beatrice S. Taylo
    Grade VI- Mary the Blessed Virgin

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. How will make your family healthy?
    I can make my family healthy by performing pre-emptive measure of cleanliness such as.
    •Washing of their hands before and after eating.
    •Washing of their hands after going to the toilet.
    •Keep away from people who are sneezing and coughing .
    •Cover your nose when sneezing.
    •Use a good hand sanitizer when needed most especially when going to another place.
    •Drink lots of liquid and take your vitamins.
    •If you are feeling unhealthy, visit your doctor immediately.
    With these pre-emptive measures, we can prevent / control this kind of disease.

    How will you make your community clean?

    We can make the community clean by following the same practice that we do at home and involving our community, school as making this happen requires each and everyone support and help.
    If we can ask our Barangay to create a more directive approach of creating projects related to this awareness as well can be really beneficial.

    In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and
    free again with this kind of virus?

    By support the project that our government that is imposing, by also following on the mentioned steps of awareness as this can help you in staying away from these diseases.

  19. How will you make your family healthy?

    Eat healthy foods together and know the risks involved in eating fatty foods most of the times. Not eating too much junk food. Sleeping at the right time and being healthy for the sake of ourselves and our family as well.

    How will you help your community clean?

    I will/can help my community by being involved on the different projects and campaigns that the community leaders would pursue. Participate in the activities in relation to the love and care for the environment. Support the 3R’S, REUSE, REDUCE, and RECYCLE campaign by practicing them. Segregate the Non-Biodegradable and Biodegradable waste.

    In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and free again with this kind of virus?

    Don’t go to public or crowded places if you have symptoms of flu. Support cleanliness, starting on our home, programs to prevent the virus from spreading. Abide by the guidelines that the Health Department has issued. Proper hygiene should always be observed, covering of nose when sneezing, mouth when coughing, and always keeping the hands clean.

    Jahn Dominic S. Llorera
    Gr.6-Mary, the Blessed Virgin

  20. 1). iwill keep my famility healthy by eating nutricioud food and dringking vitamins.

    2.) i will keep the community clean by 3r's ang segregate

    3) in my little own way i will do proper hygine.

  21. ♥I can make my family healthy by teaching the right way of having good grooming and also by eating nutritious foods.

    ♥I can make my community clean by following the rules of are barangay or community.

    ♥In my little own way I can help our nation free from virus nad some germs just like taking care of our self and community because it's our responsibility

    Diane Ima P. Samonte
    6-Mary the Blessed Virgin

  22. Reflection/Reaction Paper in HELE

    >How will you make your family healthy?
    I can make my family healthy by always keeping in touch with them, giving love to the fullest, by showing reverence to my parents and to my siblings. In this way, I believe I will keep the bonding in our family healthy.

    >How will you help your community clean?
    I can help my community clean by being responsible, by not being a burden to our community, by adding contributions necessary for the progress in our community.

    >In your own little way, how will you support our nation in
    making our space safe and free again with this kind of
    I will start the cleanliness in our own home, I will be responsible of my own dirt or mess. In this way, I can set a good example to my fellow men, a good example for them to follow.
    I will help my parents in cleaning the house and doing the chores, and maintain the cleanliness always in our home to prevent the spread of virus, not only for our family, but for our whole community.

    by:Rafael Nikko G. Samonte
    Grade 6- Mary the Blessed Virgin

  23. mS, xZan nHaH fHoE ' .. unG ' mHanGa winEr xZah miNiH fHaxZiOn xzOw nAtHEn aSk |nG fHoe ' ..

    6-Mary Cause of our jOy

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  25. Ms.!,, e2 na po journal ko......=P


    what have you gained in today's

    Ilearned how to be confident!

    tnx Ms. ........

  26. JOURNAL:
    What have you gained in today's activity?

    I (learned) gained about how to be in a fashion show or how to be (photogenic):P

  27. JOURNAL:
    What have you gained in today's activity?

    i've learned to be confident and be proud of yourself.:)

    Kharis Faune

  28. =H=E=L=E=

    **What have you gained in today's activity?**

    I've learened to gain self confidence.
    Also to be able to show my own sense of fashion. It is important to believe in yourself because you never know what you can accomplish.

  29. - Ms. I can make my family healthy by buying and eating nutritional foods like fruits and vegetables... Also by exercising every morning and also by not eating junk foods because eating junk foods is like not caring for your own health it is the same also in drinking soft drinks.

    - Ms. I can help my community be clean by participating in different programs which can help in making the environment clean. Also by cleaning the streets after I finished all my works.

    - Ms. in my little own way, I will support the nation on making our space safe and free again in this kind of virus by always eating nutritous food and by exercising everyday. I'll also support them by participating in every programs that out nation made. Also by giving donations to our nation in which they can donate it to other children who doesn't have their proper needs.

    What have you gained in this activity?
    I learned to gain self confidence. I also learned we should always have a good posture and self confidence so when a time comes we could be prepared...

    Noraissa M. Saripada
    Grade 6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

  30. Miss who are the students who gain courage
    in the fashion show
