Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

To all Grade six pupils,

Praised be Jesus and Mary!
While having a short vacation at home,I want you to answer this activity.
This activity will trigger your awareness about A H1N1 virus. Here are my challenges to you dear Marians:
>How will you make your family healthy?
> How will you help your community clean?
> In your own little way, how will you support our nation in making our place safe and
free again with this kind of virus?

Use short bond paper for your reflection/reaction out this questions or simple post your fabulous answer in our blogsite.

Goodluck and may Godbless you always....
See you on Monday Marians! Miss you!!!

Miss Claire

Monday, June 29, 2009

Grade Four Love

Praised be Jesus and Mary!
In the middle of our vacation, I thought of an activity that is closely related to our topic. We have discussed about good grooming, grooming aids or things we should do and use in order to take care of ourselves.
• Kindly choose an article about taking care of oneself especially your physical appearance.
• Make a short reflection or reaction (minimum of 10 sentences) to the article that you will read. (importance of the article, insight gained, etc.)
• You may visit this website as a guide or reference for your reflection/reaction paper.
• Submission will be on July 7, 2009 (TTh)

Posted By:
Ms. Camino

Monday, June 8, 2009


Apply basic knowledge and functional skills for higher learning and in coping with the changing environment, explore varied ways or opportunities of being a self-reliant and service oriented individual; develop desirable attitudes and work ethics necessary to become productive, competent, and responsible individual as member of the family and society.